Lighting in Landscape Photography

silhouette of tree at sunset

Lighting in Landscape Photography

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Light is important to all aspects of photography. Landscape photography are no different. However, what makes landscape photography challenging is the fact that, unlike some other forms of photography, you cannot predict the light in landscape photography. This unpredictable nature of light in landscape photography can be very frustrating for the photographers. However, with a little bit of planning and thinking outside of the box can allow a landscape photographer to capture some spectacular images in any kind of light. spectacular images in any kind of light.

My recommendation is you learn how to understand the way light interacts with all the elements which you are trying to capture. This knowledge and understanding will enable you to avoid common mistakes.

Also ensure you have the correct lens for the type of landscape you want to capture as using the incorrect lens can make the difference between an amazing image or an average one. I also recommend you use a DSLR camera which allows you to interchange your lens …from zoom lens, wide angle (my favourite) or a fixed lens.

Sometimes, you may find it necessary to go back to the same location a number of times to get the lighting that you are looking for. I always find I spend my first day scouting locations and angles. I then check the weather for the best day to go and I ALWAYS avoid the midday sun. They have been times I have driven for hours to get to the location I have wanted to photograph only to find that the conditions are not right for the image I want to capture.

I personally love getting up at the crack of Dawn and capture the start of a new day. They is something magical about that time of day. A day full of promise and hope – a day of new beginnings!

The best advice I can give – is to go out there…enjoy yourself, connect with all the elements and then create true MAGIC!